just write me at ikeahacker[at]gmail[dot]com
in your mail, you should include the following info:
1. a short description of the hack
2. the link to the hack (if any)
3. attach photos or the link (videos are welcome too)
4. your name and site link (if you want to be credited)
the only rule is that the hack must involve at least an ikea item, however it is used. easy. peasy.
if you didn't hack it but came across an interesting one, you can also get in the game. i'll even credit you for your find.
update! upload your ikea hack instructables
you can also now submit your hack via instructables. just create an instructable on the ikea hacks group and it will be published on the projects page instantly. (please do not email me if you've uploaded it to the group to avoid duplicates.)
so turn your allen keys. i'll be waiting to hear from you.
one happy hacker,
tags: ikea, how-to, hacks
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