Materials: Discontinued Ikea kitchen table, Gabbro stone slab, Rill (small) casters, wood screws
At that time an inexpensive and simple kitchen table was available at Ikea (can't remember the name). I cut its legs to the desired height and painted it with transparent paint (glaze) to match the rest of the furniture (palisander).
Then, I mounted 4 small RILL casters to the legs - it's important to drill holes before screwing on the casters to avoid splintering. The base plate of RILL perfectly fits the table's legs.
Lastly I had a stone slab cut and polished (Nero Impala Gabbro) at a local stone mason which I simply stuck to the unmodified wooden tabletop with silicone glue.
BEWARE! Although every RILL caster should be able to carry 45 kg of weight (and the stone slab weighs about 40-50 kb), caster by caster the rubber part comes off. In the 5 years that I use the table I had to change 3 of 4 wheels...
7,99 EUR for 1 set of RILL casters
120,- EUR for the stone slab
?? EUR for the table
Screws and silicone are always available in my basement (;
~ Marc, Germany
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