Materials: Antonius frame, Harlig doors, drawer runners, Jigsaw and Fixa screwdriver.
We realized that the Antonius frame was less than half the price than that of a standard DIY metal frame, so we bought one and assembled it.
As this was a very-low-budget hack we used aluminium profiles we had at home to attach the runners to the frame. The frame guides helped levelling the runners. Luckily a Harlig 40x60 door fits seamlessly between the runners.
For the top and the front we cut two Harlig doors (60x57 for the top, 60x70 for the front) to match the width of the Antonius frame. Because this cabinet was supposed to be alongside a Vika table, the length of the top was kept at 60cm, despite the 54cm frame length.
We installed an extension socket on the inside for all the printer and other plugs. We still had the space to use the bottom guide for an Antonius drawer, very convenient for storing paper. ;)
~ Marcelo Aguiar, Lisbon
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