Materials: PUGG clock / trophy / power drill / plastic primer spray paint (optional)
The dilemma:
I want it on the mantle but it keeps falling over - too front-heavy and no base.
The solution:
Make it a trophy
Materials needed:
PUGG clock / trophy / power drill / plastic primer spray paint (optional)
1) Get a trophy. There are two ways to do this: either win one (hard) or thrift one (easy). I thrifted mine.
2) Paint the trophy (optional). I used white plastic primer spray paint.
3) Take the trophy apart. There should be a nut at the base and a bolt running through. The figure should already be threaded.
4) Mark the clock frame, at the 12 and 6
5) Drill 2 holes to fit the trophy's bolt
6) Thread the figure through the 12-hole (I didn't need a nut to hold it in place, but who knows)
7) Thread the bolt through the 6-hole, straight through the base and screw on the nut.
8) You win! We all win! What time is it? Us-rad-time!!! (etc)
~ Jennifer Zwick, Seattle
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