The GOC Army Headquarter technological brigade is incorporating a series of new high-tech weapons in its infantry units, starting in 2012. "These weapons will greatly enhance our military capabilities," said head of the GOC weapons department, Maj. Gil Iluz.
40milimeter grenade launcher manufactured by the American JD Company. The system is relatively light, weighing 18kg in comparison to the current system used by the IDF weighing 38kg. Operating the weapon requires only three soldiers, as opposed to four. The system launches grenades up to two kilometer away, and will be incorporated during 2012.
The advanced version of the American sniper weapon is already in IDF use, though the current weapons will be ungraded within the next five years at a cost of approximately $5,000 per unit. "The weapon's design is improved, with a contractible handle and thus more comfortable for the combat soldier," explained Maj. Iluz.
Manufactured by U.S. Ordinance, the QCB is equipped with a new barrel that facilitates assembling. "Many times the soldiers would get caught up in the complicated assembling process," explained Maj. Iluz. "The upgraded barrel enables more effective operation in the field and will better use the potential of the weapon as a means of suppressive fire." Additionally, the barrel does not have to be synchronized as often.
The M203 grenade launcher currently in use will be upgraded with the MPRS, enabling precise and deadly shots using 40 millimeter ammunition in both an open field and in an urban setting. A special grenade will also be incorporated, allowing selection of the explosion effect. The system is currently being tested at the GOC Army Headquarters and will soon be tested in an operation setting.
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