Materials: Faktum, Perfekt, Rationell
I used:
4x FAKTUM tall wall cabinets, 50cm wide
2x PERFEKT red cover panel for tall wall cabinet
1x PERFEKT red cover panel for tall fridge cabinet (60x211)
4x ABSTRAKT white doors for tall wall cabinet, 50cm wide
4x YSTER door handle
2x wooden beam (height 48mm)
Wood screws
How to:
1) put together base cabinets
2) cut timber to length (199cm long)
3) place cabinets one by one on timber and connect to each other (front AND back, so they stay in line
4) attach to base timber
5) attach side panels, they should touch the floor when using 48mm high timber, and stick out just enough to be flush with the cover in the next step
6) cut big covering panel to size to fit on top in between the side panels, mount on top of cabinets
7) from the remains, cut strip to put under cabinets, mount horizontally under cabinets, in between the side panels
8) then from the panel's remains, cut another strip for the vertical skirt board in between the panels and against the front timber beam
9) to choice, add felt strips under wooden timber (I added stiff felt, 3mm thick)
10) mount doors, then handles and remove protective plastic
Took me about 6h, with an extra pair of hands to cut the large board to size on my saw table (which I recommend to do the 2m long cuts).
Hope you like it. Happy hacking!
~ FoxVictor, Sint-Truiden, Belgium
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