The reason for limiting the number of purchased Lightning II Allies the United States is the rising price of these planes. In the case of the Netherlands an additional factor that determines the reduction of the order, the financial crisis and severe cuts in military spending. JSF reports that the final plan was adopted to reduce the number of operationally used F-16A / B from 68 to 42 copies and the elimination of an air base near Leeuwarden. The realization of this scenario is to begin in 2014.
He said, however, that when we signed a preliminary agreement, we took into account the direct exchange of F-16. However, when I assumed the position of the minister, we had 90 such aircraft. Today there are 68th in the light of reports JSF, it indicates a probable target number of F-35, or 42.
In order to significantly reduce the potential also shows a drastic reduction in military spending related to the financial crisis (see for example: Every seventh lose their jobs , the Dutch without leopards ).
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