You know, what is called a bad day? When you're a fighter pilot, shot down over enemy territory, you have a broken leg, you're hypothermic and troops through your neighborhood to find you. However, there is someone who you can get from it. USAF Parescue team is on the way ...
Photo: USAF Pararescue units are elite U.S. Air Force, designed to perform high-risk rescue operations
Superman has to be strong mentally and physically
USAF Pararescue the U.S. Air Force special forces , trained to carry out high-risk rescue operations in harsh tactical, technical or weather conditions (eg, behind enemy lines, in the mountains, sea, etc..). Each of these elite units (pararescueman) must go through an extremely demanding training for which is known as the "school of supermen."
Hard training, lasting at least two years, which is on the border of mental and physical capabilities of man passes 5 to 6 people in a hundred. Each cadet must pass several instructional courses that are focused on increasing both mental and physical endurance of man, both to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills.
Video: Recruitment Advertising USAF Pararescue / YouTube
The training starts at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas. The aim of the nine week course, called Pararescue / Combat Rescue Officer Indoctrination Course, in particular strengthening the mental and physical fitness and endurance of soldiers. The main course is swimming, running, weight training and long marches. The soldiers here will also get acquainted with the basics of diving.
Are also important skills in handling costs. An integral part of the course is a basic medical training. This is especially familiar with medical terminology and the basics of cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a method by which delaying brain death and avoiding irreversible damage to vital organs. The CPR belong indirect cardiac massage and ventilation. Wikipedia
A natural part of the course are also weapons. What equipment Pararescue units are used? What is the use of this equipment and what are the principles of dealing with it? These are all questions that the soldiers in this introductory course dealing with.
Paratroopers in water
After this introductory course is followed by a three-week basic training and Airborne at Fort Benning military base in Georgia. After its completion, the future elite troops moved to Florida. In the local Navy Diving and Salvage Training Center is waiting 5 1/2 week diving course USAF Combat Diver School.
In this course soldiers will gain knowledge of diving, both open and closed circuit. They obtain the necessary skills in the performance of combat and rescue operations, both underwater and on the water, such as unobtrusive penetration aboard a ship on the liberation operations. These specialists will get the skills necessary to move around the sunken wrecks of ships or aircraft or the movement of underground waters in caves and flooded quarries.
Photo: In a hard choice for service in the Pararescue units succeeds 5 to 6 people in a hundred / USAF
The issue related to water rescue at a special training course, called the Navy Underwater Egress Training, in which the military specialists learn techniques to escape from the sinking or sunken ships, aircraft, but also need cars.
An integral part of training personnel for USAF Pararescue is a survival training course called Basic Survival School. It is a 2 1/2 week spent in the vicinity of Fairchild Air Force Base in Washington State. The survival rate will most soldiers the skills of survival in the wild in remote areas in adverse weather conditions on the territory controlled by the enemy with minimal equipment.
Soldiers have already acquired basic skills in various areas of activities, incl. jumps with a parachute. You can start a special training program, aimed at further deepening. At Fort Bragg in North Carolina and Yuma Proving Ground in Arizona takes place specialized paratroop training, lasting five weeks, in particular on the night and the HALO jumps from great heights, using breathing apparatus.
When it is not about health, it is nothing ...
Also, medical training from the basic plane moves into advanced levels. At Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico members of the USAF Pararescue attend twenty-two weeks-long training for paramedic called Pararescue EMT Paramedic Training. It is divided into two basic modules and subsequent practice.
The first module would be called civil, and future specialists in the teaching of advanced procedures such as securing the airway endotracheal intubation (airway), learn how to secure venous access catheters for administration of infusion solutions, learn medicine, monitor physiological functions and to treat various types of wounds.
The second phase of training can be called a military phase. Here factor plays an important role tactical situation. It is a big difference in providing medical care in the peaceful, civilian terms and in terms of combat operations, under fire, with delayed evacuation options, etc..
Photo: One of the most challenging and risky rescue operations Pararescue units are carried out behind enemy lines / USAF
Soldiers learn the specifics of military medicine, especially surgery. The entire course culminates rescue internships at Tucson Fire Department and several hospitals. In conclusion, successful graduates of the course is awarded a national qualification paramedic the limit is not-P.
Following are more and more courses, such as mountaineering, combat tactics courses, etc. All this time, members of the elite units of the USAF Paraescue maintain a high degree of combat readiness. This is necessary in order to increase the chances to be just downed fighter pilots, the kidnapped soldiers but also civilians trapped on the roofs of houses during floods, or sailors at sea in storms and everywhere, where rescuers are not ordinary. Members of the USAF Pararescue boldly deploy their lives in the spirit of its motto that "others may live."
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