Began testing the upgraded version of India's Arjun Tank Mk II. Tests will focus on the 19th major structural changes.
MBT Arjun Mk II has a new gun adapted to fire antitank guided missiles, digital fire control system with the function of hunter-killer and a panoramic observation unit commander. Will also receive additional armor panels (the front of the tower on top of the fuselage and the front of the apron side). The car also received a more powerful engine native.
The program was launched March 26, 1974, and after 10 years of a prototype. In 2000, the army, under pressure from politicians ordered 124 cars, although the progress of research was still unsatisfactory. Only after four years of army received the first 14 of the ordered tanks. In 2009 there were 45, and in 2011 more than 100 It was only this year managed to plants Heavy Vehicles Factory at AVAD execute the order at the turn of the century.
Setting the tank has changed, however, when carried out in March 2010 when compared with the T-90S, which showed the superiority of Arjunów in almost every way. However, due to the fact that this car at the time of entering the service has a number of relatively old tech components, decided to create a greater variety, known as the Arjun Mk II. Work on the prototype has just ended.
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