Materials: Faktum cabinets, Atlant siphon, NUMERÄR countertop
Doors and the cover panels are made from pallet shelves. The doors are simply glued together using construction-glue, no plugs are needed. To fill the doors inner area, I decided to use a bamboo mat which is stapled to the door from behind. After finishing all the woodwork, I painted everything in white.
The sink is made from an old washbowl. I drilled a hole in it for the siphon, which is quite difficult because of the enamel coating of the bowl.
As countertop I use the Ikea NUMERÄR and cement tiles from Portugal (under the tiles I used a composite panel)
Parts and costs:
Ikea stuff (Faktum cabinets, siphon, countertop, hinges etc.) - about 400 Euro
pallet shelves - free
sink - free
bamboo mat - about 30 euro
Indian door knobs - about 20 euro
tiles - about 150 euro
I think the interesting thing is that the doors are quite easy to build and you can fill the them with whatever you want, and like (example: fabric, wooden grid, plexiglass ...) you can simply glue or staple it on the back side of the door.
~ Tobias, Germany
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