- Two IKEA JUTIS speaker stands
- Five big acrylic circular discs and 32 acrylic lining discs (lasercuts)
- Four screws M6, 50 mm for mounting the lamp shade
- Four ABS fixtures for mounting the aluminum tubes (3d prints)
- Two ABS fixtures for mounting a cord switch (3d prints)
- Four screws M6, 20 mm for mounting the cord switch
- Two screws M4, 20 mm for mounting the lower aluminum tube holder
- LED SmartArray, 10W - Heat sink for cooling the LED SmartArray
- Power cable with cord switch - Power supply
The idea for lamp FLUTA (that's how we call it) popped up while working on a homemade LED lamp. While thinking about how to realize the lamp stand, two spare speaker stands JUTIS loitered close to the place where the thinking took place.
The goal of the FLUTA design was to extend the speaker stands with a minimum of additional parts. The main task was to find a solution for hiding the power cable and mounting the cord switch. Another important task was to shield the intensive LED light.
Hint: if you are looking for good instructions on how to build your own LED lamp, search the web for the book "LED Wohnraumlicht" - available in German language only.
The complete instructions would be a bit extensive. The steps below should give you a rough idea which steps were required to build FLUTA.
1. Loosen the screws at the concrete foot of speaker stand A.
Push the upper metal plate (where the speaker is normally mounted) to slide the lower metal plate out of the concrete foot. Now you have access to the metal plate where the metal poles are welded.
2. Saw through the metal poles close to the lower metal plate and chamfer the metal pole ends.
3. Turn speaker stand A upside down, now you can screw it on top of speaker stand B. Speaker stand A is the upper part of the lamp stand, speaker stand B is the lower part.
4. Drill holes for the power cable in (1) the heat sink, (2) the metal plate that you sewed off in step 2, (3) the metal plates of both speaker stand A and B.
5. Mount the LED SmartArray to the heat sink using heat conducting glue.
6. Glue the heat sink to the metal plate that you sewed off in step 2.
7. Solder a power cable to the LED SmartArray. Thread the power cable through the hole in the heat sink.
8. Model ABS fixtures using any 3D modeling software. Print ABS fixtures using a 3D printer.
9. Model your lamp shade - you might use acrylic or some other material. Lasercut your lamp shade parts.
10. Connect the lamp shade and the metal plate with the heat sink using four screws.
11. Mount the lamp shade on the lamp stand.
12. Mount the ABS fixtures.
13. Measure the required distances for the aluminum tubes. Sew the aluminum tubes at the appropriate length. Drill holes in the aluminum tubes and chamfer them. The holes should be big enough for threading the power cable into the tube.
14. Thread the power cable into the upper aluminum tube.
15. Mount the lamp shade and the upper aluminum tube.
16. Thread the power cable into the holes of the middle aluminum plates.
17. Thread the power cable into the lower aluminum tube.
18. Mount the cord switch and the lower aluminum tube.
See more of the speaker lamp stand.
~ blinkgestalten, Munich
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