Materials: 18" Hultet dish, Discontinued Ikea clock, drill, wire, dowels
1. Figure out where to drill your holes based on where the hanger is on the back of the clock and where it aligns with your dish.
2. Flip the dish over and drill two holes from the back. The two holes should be an inch or two higher than the location of the clock hanger.
3. Using a malleable wire (like frame-hanging wire)string it through the clock hanger. Thread the two ends of the wire through the two holes you just drilled.
4. Using a small dowel or stick (I just used a leftover Ikea dowel), tie the wire to the dowel and used it to tighten the wire until the clock hangs in the center of the dish.
5. Once you have the clock in place, figure out where the top of the clock is and lean the dish upright against a sturdy surface, oriented with the clock upright.
6. Slowly and carefully drill another small hole in the "lip" of the back of the dish.
7. Thread a loop of wire through this hole. This is for hanging it on a nail in the wall. Secure the wire with another dowel or stick.
To replace the battery, simply unwind the wire holding the clock to access the back.
~ Stephanie S, Berkeley, CA
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