Materials: Poster of NY, Mod Podge
What you'll need:
1. Cut your poster to size. Mine was about 2-3 inches smaller than the canvas.
2. Spread glue on the canvas. I used Mod Podge and a Sponge Brush.
3. Work fast for these next steps. You don't want the glue to dry on the canvas. Wet your poster. Yes, I said wet your poster. I used my bathtub for my larger poster. You must wet the poster in order to make it easier to work with. Trust me. Soak the poster for about 10 seconds.
4. Place the wet poster on top of the glued canvas. Try and place where you want the poster to permanently stay. Every second that passes makes adjusting the poster that much harder. Start smoothing out the ripples and air bubbles. Wet fingers to keep from tearing the poster.
5. Keep checking your poster and try to smush down the air bubbles. When the poster dries, most of the air bubbles will disappear. Don't panic. There's a fine line between getting rid of all the bubbles and tearing your poster.
6. After it dries for an hour or two. Top the poster with a coat of glue (or two!).
7. Let dry for 24 hours and hang.
8. ENJOY!!! The poster will not be perfect. Almost but not perfect. The more variations in the poster (color and pattern) the better for this project.
See more of the IKEA canvas art.
~ Beachbrights, Houston, TX
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