Materials: Lack coffee table, Capita legs
The instructions are the same as other ottoman hacks, the only difference is that I didn't use spray glue because the foam will stay in place when you staple the batting.
Lack table $10 used from Craigslist
Capita legs $10 I was lucky enough to found them at "as is" section.
Fabric $15 (I got 1 1/2 yards, you can use the rest for cushions covers)
Foam $ 15
Batting/Dacron $ 8
Total $58
Now, if you live in US consider yourself lucky because I'm sure the material costs are cheaper than here in Canada.
~ Aurea M, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Description: I love the new SODERHAMN ottoman, but right now is out of my budget (250 dollars for an ottoman? what?!) so I came up with this, which is basically another approach to a LACK/OTTOMAN hack you would find here, the only difference is that I used the 35" x 21" coffee table instead of the little one.
Lack table $10 used from Craigslist
Capita legs $10 I was lucky enough to found them at "as is" section.
Fabric $15 (I got 1 1/2 yards, you can use the rest for cushions covers)
Foam $ 15
Batting/Dacron $ 8
Total $58
Now, if you live in US consider yourself lucky because I'm sure the material costs are cheaper than here in Canada.
~ Aurea M, Vancouver, BC, Canada
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