Materials: 1 x MALM super king size bed; 2 x ALSARP single size; usual tools; 2 piece of wide elastic band or strong ribbonde
We've had a MALM super king size (UK size) for a few years and I have always been frustrated that I can't use the large amount of space under it for storage since it's too low for any drawers/boxes etc. So when I came across the idea, I work ed to find out if it would fit a superking size bed too (it had been done for smaller sizes only).
MALM super king measures W180cm x L200cm; two single ALSARP will work just nicely for it (each measures W90cm x L200cm). They fit perfectly into the MALM frame - snugly enough so it looks very tidy and the mattress rests on the two ALSARP very nicely.
My mattress (not IKEA) is huge of course and quite heavy, but it seems the 'hydraulic' mechanism of ALSARP takes it quite well. It is a bit heavy to lift, but not uncomfortably so. I simply will not store stuff that I need every day.
Once the two ALSARP are assembled according to instructions, including the covers(very straightforward in my view), they need to be slotted into the MALM, which is literally the only bit of the process ta take some effort.
I have used some strong and wide elastic band from the haberdasher's around to connect the two set of slats, so they go up and down together. One still needs to lift from both handles and take care to lift quite evenly, but the elastic band will prevent one set of slats from dropping down on its own and potentially tip the mattress over to the side.
The bed becomes a bit higher than is was originally but it looks essentially like a normal bed, since the MALM is so low to start with. The ALSAPR sits perfectly flush with the top of the MALM frame so nothing can be seen of it even when if you like to tuck the duvet under the mattress.
I am delighted, this solution gives me oodles of storage and you can reach quite easily all the way top under the lifted slats so there's no wasted space.
I built it all on my own in one afternoon while my husband is away. It was absolutely fine. The only stage where it would have been a lot easier to have two people on the job was to lift the second ALSARP into the MALM frame; there's no wriggle room, so it needs to go in straight, but I eventually managed that on my own too.
Please note the the bottom of the ALSARP will scratch the MALM frame, so if you need to rest the ALSAPR on it while you manoeuvre to place it in, put a towel or something on the frame to protect it (it's very delicate).
Highly recommended solution to gain LOTS of storage and keep your beautiful, comfy MALM bed.
~ Laura, London
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