Materials: EXPEDIT shelves, NUMERAR Countertop, CAPITA Brackets, VIKA BYSKE Leg
Expedit has many extras you can add for further customization:
- The wine rack insert
- The door insert
- The drawer insert
Construction is fairly straight forward. The brackets are the only tricky part.
1. Screw only one corner of the Capita brackets to the Numerar countertop at the desired location (a few inches from the edges). Not too tight, you may need adjustment.
2. Align the brackets to the edges of the countertop.
3. Measure the distance between the two bolts on the brackets and use that measurement to drill 2 large holes through the top of the Expedit at the desired spot.
4. Insert the Capita brackets through the holes with the countertop attached and get them straight. If the Vika Byske leg is not on yet you will need 2 people for this. If the holes are not fully aligned you should still be able to adjust because of only using only the 1 screw above.
5. Once you are satisfied that everything is straight and lined up you can use a pen or anything sharp to mark out the remainder of the holes for the bracket screws.
6. Remove the countertop from the Expedit and screw in the remaining screws.
7. Reattach and bolt the Capita's to the Expedit.
8. Attach Vika Byske leg to the countertop.
9. Place the bar where it is needed and adjust the leg until the bar is level.
See more of the Expedit bar.
~ Ryan, California
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