Materials: Malma mirror, Tyst cork placemats, fibreboard, ruban, nails, glue, thumbtacks, screw-in hooks, staple gun, picture hooks
First, you nail the Malma mirror onto the fibreboard. On the blank side of one of the placemats, you draw the calendar. If you mess this one up, no worries: try again on one of the other placemats, the marker does not shine through. When you're happy with how it looks, cut all placemats to the desired dimensions. At the very least, you need to cut off the rounded edges.
Glue the placemats into place and allow to set. Finish off the sides by thumbtacking the ruban in the front of the board, use a staple gun to attach it on the back of the panel. Finally, screw the hooks into the mirror, attach some picture hooks and hang onto the wall.
~ Naantje, Nederland
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