According to the announcement, “Certain ground combat capabilities are an Airman’s responsibility and require unique surface operations that are integral to the application of air and space power. To meet this responsibility, the Air Force recognized the need to organize, train, and equip a force of Battlefield Airmen (BA) capable of delivering distinctive expertise in a ground combat environment with unequaled firepower, accuracy, responsiveness, flexibility and persistence. These BA include Combat Control, Pararescue, Tactical Air Control and Battlefield Weather professionals. BA provide skill sets not commonly found across the Air Force and typically operate in combat zones outside the perimeter of Air Force bases, often in the deep battle space.”
Pararescue Airmen [also known as Pararescue Jumpers (PJs)] conduct conventional or unconventional rescue operations. They deploy in any available manner, to include air-land-sea tactics, into restricted environments to authenticate, extract, treat, stabilize and evacuate injured personnel, while acting in an enemy-evading recovery role.
Another Air Force ground element includes Battlefield and Special Operations Weathermen, who are meteorologists with advanced tactical training to operate in hostile or denied territory. They gather and interpret weather data, and provide intelligence from deployed locations while working primarily with Army (Battlefield Weather) and Special Operations (Special Operations Weather) forces.
The AFRL Munitions Directorate BAA seeks to address capability gaps, limitations, or deficiencies to improve the effectiveness of these Battlefield Airmen.
- Force protection enhancements;
- Personal equipment;
- C4 systems and related software;
- Optics and displays;
- Sensors and navigational Aids;
- Tactical energy;
- Clandestine mobility;
- Medical;
- Tactical meteorological systems, and;
- Alternate means of insertion and extraction.
In the case of force protection enhancements, for example, the objective is “to conduct research which could eventually lead to the development of improved shelters, materials, armor and related items for the deployed Battlefield Airmen. Research to effectively detect, deceive, avoid and prevent contamination and/or injury or exposure to chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosives (CBRNE) and other threats will greatly enhance BA effectiveness. Research in areas that will allow the Battlefield Airmen to engage threats from greater standoff distances is also desired.”
The Air Force BAA is expected to remain open through Oct.30, 2012, or until amended or superseded.
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