Materials: ERSLEV Rug
2. Lay out the rug on top & measure out your stripes (can be a little or a lot! I did mine in 1, 2, 3 & 4 inch stripes with 1 inch in between for consistency. Then tape them off with frog tape or painters tape so the paint doesn't seep through.
3. I choose three different colours of paint - all latex - but you can use one or as many as you like. I did the yellow first then the dark grey and let it sit over night to completely dry. Then I did the lighter grey the following morning because there were less of those stripes. Total time was about 6 hours.
4. Let it sit for another few hours till it is completely dry and voila! Instant colour and designer touch added to any room!
Colours used:
Beauti-tone Natura: Best Dressed F038 (Bought)
General Paint: 8670W (Already Had)
C.I.L. Essentials: Obsidian Glass (Already Had)
~ Refresh Interiors, Squamish, BC.
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