Materials: Moppe Drawers, Craft paint in black and burnt umber, Crackle medium, Light grey paint (we used Analytical Grey by Sherwin Williams), Paint brush, Metal ruler or scraper, Sandpaper, Adhesive metal bookplate (Martha Stewart), Handles (we used these from Lee Valley), Lint free white cloth/rag, Natural and Dark Finishing Paste Wax, Ink pen
2. Randomly paint with the burnt umber. Let dry. This just adds some interest to the distressing.
3. Using a large brush with large sweeping motions brush the crackle medium all over. Let dry.
4. Now paint over the crackle with the grey paint. Let dry.
5. Distress. Using a metal ruler or scraper, roughly chip off paint where desired. Using sandpaper, sand edges.
6. Using a clean rag randomly rub dark wax in a few places. Then using the natural wax, wax the entire piece.
7. Drill holes and screw a handle to each drawer.
8. Remove adhesive backing and attach bookplates to each drawer. Add labels ... and voila!
See more of the Card Catalog Jewelry Box.
~ Shannon @ aka design, Ontario, Canada
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