Materials: Ikea Expedit Wall Shelf, Inreda, Capita, Dioder
2. Add 2 Inreda racks to the top (underside) of the Expedit shelf.
3. Add the bottom and other side to the Expedit. Leave out the center shelf for a clean, modern look-and-feel. This also allows for plenty of room for a tall wine rack at the bottom.
4. Add the Capita legs to the bottom. I screwed these into both the sides and the bottom piece for extra support.
5. For the half-backing, I used leftover backing from a Billy bookcase. It is wood veneer with cardboard in-between and I cut it to size with heavy-duty scissors. Alternatively, you could use the extra shelf (from step #3) and cut it appropriately.
6. Add a single Dioder strip to the inside top of the shelf (flush with the backing). To hide wires, attach the transformer to the bottom and run wires along the back side (see picture)
7. Lastly, add the alcohol and enjoy :) !!!
Note: the wine rack and top serving tray are both from Target.
~ Aaron, Portland, OR
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