Materials: Vika Furuskog, hinges, gate latch, deck screws, drills, table saw, lacquer
1.) measure the width of the opening, make sure the Furuskog fit
2.) use a table saw, cut the Furuskog into 1.5" strips (depend on how high you want your gate to be, I only needed 10)
3.) since our gate was 30" high, I cut (2) 1" strips to be used for the sides
4.) use the remaining piece to make the sides where the hinge and latch will be mounted
5.) sand down and apply lacquer to all the pieces
6.) screw the strips to the vertical pieces, I just chose 1.5" spacing between the strips to make it more even
7.) install all the hardware on (ie. hinge, latch, handle if you want)
Problem solved!!! I also but a Besta caster on the end just so it doesn't sag.
~ Roy, Vancouver
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