Materials: Kura bed, Tounge and Groove Cladding, Decorative mouldings, MDF, Joist Hangers
Got the bed frame off eBay and then proceeded as follows :
!!SAND EVERYTHING before you build it.!!
#1 Build the frame with only the 3 NON ladder corners.
#2 Take the two bed lengths post and fix in place where the ladder would go. These act as the ladder and support for the floating side of the bed.
#3 Measure and fix 6 joist hangers on the wall where the long side will sit, and 4 for the head end of the bed.
#4 Lift the bed onto the joist hangers and tweak your levels.
#5 connect the post now sticking into the air with 45mm / 45mm timbers.
#6 Construct the roof by adding 45 degree timbers mitred into a rail on the wall.
#7 Clad the roof
#8 Clad the side panels using T&G and fixing with GRIP fill and clamps.
#9 Add mouldings around the exposed frames.
#10 Paint and stand back to admire :-)
~ Matt Williams, United Kingdom
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