Materials: Ivar cabinet, Duktig doll bed, Bygel rail
I cut the middle section of the headboard and footboard of the Duktig doll bed using a mitre saw so that the doll bed would fit into the cabinet. I also cut the support board of the doll bed (that goes under the doll) to the same size. I finished the doll bed with a clear polyurethane finish.
I bought a small dresser from a craft store to put next to the bed.
I painted the back of the Ivar cabinet with interior paint that was leftover from painting my daughters' room and finished the rest of the cabinet, inside and out, with a clear finish. Then I put the cabinet together. (It was definitely better painting the back board separately than trying to tape it and paint it when it was put together would have been!)
I attached the Bygel rail to one of the shelves that came with the cabinet and installed it into the cabinet. The Bygel rail is the perfect thickness for the doll hangers. The screws that came with it screwed right into the wood - I didn't have to drill or anything.
My husband and I screwed the cabinet into the studs of the wall with two screws on the top plus an angle bracket on the bottom to hold it in place.
~ Erin Olson, Salt Lake City, UT
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