Materials: 2x EXPEDIT 4x2, optional PERFEKT plinth, optional GULLIVER or other junior bed
Note - I'm fully aware of the fact I'm mixing feet/inches and mm - just go with it!
2x EXPEDIT 4x2
Either: 1x junior bed e.g GULLIVER
OR Small single bed frame (2'6x6'3) made by me from timber, or alternatively:
4x CLS timber 63x38mm
6x Planed Smooth Timber 38x18mm
2x Planed Smooth timber 144x18mm
+ Optional: 2x PERFEKT ABSTRAKT plinth (or 2 more 144x18 timber)
Big bit of 6mm Perspex and some aluminium profile that I had lying around
Build both EXPEDITs as per instructions
EITHER Build a bed frame using the following cuts:
2x CLS timber to 6'3 (structural sides)
2x CLS timber to 2'6 (structural ends)
2x PS timber 144x18 (or PERFEKT plinth) to 6'4.1/2" (containing sides)
2x PS timber 144x18 (or PERFEKT plinth) to 2'6 (containing ends)
12x PS timber 38x18 to 2'6 (slatted bed base)
OR: Build the junior bed (GULLIVER), cut the legs off, and use either PS timber or PERFEKT plinth to make up a solid side guard, bolted at each end to the side.
Bolt everything together, and to as many walls as are available. I actually used 4x wall fixing brackets from PAX wardrobes, opened up the holes in the short part of the "L" to marry up to the fixing bolts in the top of each EXPEDIT, and screwing the long part into the sides of the bed, from the inside.
I've built the bed frame myself so as to fit a small single and to make the best use of the available space in my boy's room. I didn't have PERFEKT plinth available and didn't have time to go back to the shop, but would have used it on the front fascia had I had it since its one less thing to paint and would be a gloss finish to match the gloss turquoise & white EXPEDIT units. I also built the ladder using CLS timber that will need painting too. Finally, the entrance to the bed at the top of the ladder in this case definitely needs another grab rail on the wall so as to make it easier to get in & out so I'll be adding a couple of long LANSA handles later; in the mean time I've added a spare IKEA handle (now discontinued).
See more of the Expedit Loft bed.
~ Theo Gough, London
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