Materials: Sundvik, Retur, Ekby Tony, Dokument, Ekby Riset
The Ekby Tony board (of course you can use any other board instead, but this one has a great white colour) is sawed in to two pieces (one piece has to be long as the outside-distance of the table-legs of the short side of the table, the other piece has to be long as the inside-distance of the table-legs; a little piece of the Ekby Tony will be left over).
On the left side of the table (Sundvik) one piece (outside distance) is fixed with screws at the table-legs. Now you can pin the little waste containers (Retur) with screws on the board (after you put the drawers out you can drill a hole for the screws through the plastic wall, I recommend washers). For the right side of the table at first fix the elbow connectors (Ekby Riset) with screws at the second piece (inside distance) of the Ekby Tony board and then at the table legs. We fixed the Dokument cups with screws at the board.
~ prellmarke, Germany
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