Materials: Billy bookshelf
1. Ikea Billy bookshelf: 76cm wide or 40cm wide
2. A extra shelf of the desired wide and depth (for example: this)
3. A pair of hinged shelf support (for example: this)
4. Two pieces of wood for separating the hinge from the bookshelf walls.
5. Two magnet closures.
6. Something like rubberized cloth for covering the folding shelf.
7. Glue for cloth.
1. Mount the Billy Bookshelf.
2. Screw [and paste] the pieces of wood to the walls and floor of the bookshelf at the desired shelf. In my case was 4 pieces of wood left over from another shelf, so I had to glue it two by two before screwing it to the bookshelf.
3. Screw [and paste] the two hinges to the pieces of wood.
4. Screw [and paste] the arms of the hinges to the extra shelf.
5. Screw the two magnet closures to the bookshelf and the folding shelf.
6. Measure and cut the desired cloth for covering the folding shelf.
7. Put the special cloth glue over the cloth and the shelf.
8. Paste both and with a piece of wood go over all the pasted surfaces with a little bit of pressure.
~ buguibu, Spain
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