so, you've always wanted a box shelf like those sold at west elm but didn't want to fork out the moolah. jenni's hack might just do the trick for you then.
"a few years ago ikea sold these wooden planters. the planter came in plain wood with a silver square tray beneath to hold in water. dimensions of the box were 6"l x 5"d x 5"h. i took the planters, primed them, put wall stucco on them for texture, and added L brackets to the wall. slot the hollow of the boxes onto the brackets and voila! instant box shelves. i think the ikea planters retailed for about $2.00 or less. the ones at west elm are 3 for $44.00. easy hack. now if they still sold those wooden planters."
the wooden planter jenni used is no longer in production but i think the bjuron will work as well, since you don't need the silver tray anyways. the dimensions are about the same too.
nice work, jenni. and a really cute blue chair there too.
west elm's box shelves
her box shelves dotting the wall
close up of jenni's version

nice work, jenni. and a really cute blue chair there too.
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