Materials: Lindmon natural, wood stain, grater
Start by cutting the strings for the blind assembly. Then cut the pieces so that you get tiles. One way to do this is to use a sharp knife and cut in to the wood on both sides and then break of the pieces. You could also use a fine saw or a band saw. To get the staining to stick you should sand the pieces or you could use a grater to rough up the surface. The tiles in these pictures are grated.
Mix the wood staining in a sauce pan and dip the tiles in the stain. Only dip a short while or you will distort them. Let them dry on paper towels. The powder based wood stains is cheap and you can mix the colour solutions how you like to get more colours. Some of the tiles in the pictures are dipped in several colour solutions to get a different effect.
Use the tiles to decorate, either by using wood glue or by using double sided tape. The Noresund have tiles around the rim.
~ Eric Å, Gothenburg, Sweden
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