Materials: Ikea Hol Table, Skoghall Mats, EKBY Valter brackets
Playing Plants vs. Zombies looked good but the case looked bad.
Playing around with MAME I realised there's some potential here but sinking the screen into a table and having controls was screwed when you wanted to play portrait games and then landscape, I didn't want the control on the top.
The solution was an IKEA HOL Table, just lift the top and rotate and some Skoghall coasters.
As the top was quite thick I had to rout it down and raise the screen up to meet it.
The control panel was made from another IKEA find, hot plate stands, matches the basket fine and some EKBY VALTER brackets.
I added a load of arcade buttons and a joystick.
Wired up a small keyboard to all the waggly bits above.
A hidden on and off switch on the side boots it all up.
I backed the control panel and front of the box with matt black vinyl on sign board, it gives it a great effect.
Because the control panel unbolts and is plugged in I intend to make other ones for trackball and maybe dual joystick control.
Using MAME I can play all the old classics along with new touch screen games like Angry Birds.
See more of the Arcade game Hol.
~ Shorty Bob, UK
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