Materials: Lack table, drawing pins, a thick thread, hammer, pencil, ruler, and lot of sunglasses
First I drew with a pencil and a ruler a kind of path, just to stay geometrical. Then I pinned the drawing pins at the intersections of this path, aside mostly, but some in the middle, too. Just use your thumbs, Lack's wood is very soft.
Next step is to create a geometrical pattern using the thread. I chose a yellow thick one, but you can use any colour and any kind of thread, a fish one will work as well.
Do that twisting the thread under and around the pins, while you keep them still with a finger, and go creatively in any direction.
Once you like what u see - the more the better, also because it will be stronger - fix the thread with a knot and hit the pins with the hammer,so they won't move and, use the pattern you created to hang up your sunglasses.. or whatever you like! Tadaaaa!!
~ laura, rome
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