Materials: REGOLIT shade, crepe paper, glue gun
The result was a huge pokeball which the children loved, and it even came with a metal structure great for hanging it.
1x Regolit shade (1,99 € here in Spanish IKEA)
5x rolls of crepe paper (1 black, 2 red, 2 white)
Glue gun
Pinata goodies
1. Unfold and mount Regolit shade. Cover the bottom with a bit of paper or tissue and some glue. Keep the top open.
2. Cut crepe paper in small squares (about 5x5 cm) and twist them pinching the centre (like small flowers)
3. Glue small paper bits to Regolit shade, following the Pokeball pattern.
4. Fill with usual piñata stuff.
5. Hang and use.
Total cost (without goodies) = 7€ (and about 3 hours!)
~ Inés, Spain
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