Like the flagship Maker Faire, this mini faire is a celebration of science, engineering, creativity and the DIY spirit. It is Singapore's first and an event of the Singapore Science Festival.
Lots will be happening in the 2 days. It will be jammed with DIYers, Makers, thinkers and crafters. Don't you just love it when creativity and energy is in the air? I can already catch a whiff of something being made.
My presentation on IKEA Hacking will be on Aug 4, 2 - 3pm. Here is the line up of presentations and interesting workshops, including one on LifeHacking, which you can sign up for.
If you're in Singapore, drop by to say "hi!". I look forward to meeting you.
Singapore Mini Maker Faire
4 -5 August 2012
10 am - 5 pm
Science Centre Singapore
More information on the Singapore Mini Maker Faire.
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