Materials: Lack TV Table, Lack side table, jig saw, drill, wood glue
Step one: assemble the bottom portion of your Lack TV table. The bottom shelf and the feet of the TV table are going to remain as is.
Step two: Chop your Lack side table legs in half. These legs are definitely not lacking length. And we need 8 of them to support the weight of that hefty plasma.
Step three: Glue the four corner legs in place. The remaining four will be left loose to act as supports and to help organize video games, movies, etc.
Step four: once the glue has dried on the lower parts of your lack legs, put some glue on the top. They're hollow, so you can't use too much glue but it'll work. I used PL 400 for this build because it's much stronger than wood glue. Once you've slapped some glue on there, drop your table top on and add a bit of weight to help it dry in the right position.
Step five: Now take your original side supports from your Lack TV table and measure out where the holes are that use the locking pins. Drill a hole for the threaded end of each pin in the bottom of your Lack side table.
Step six: Throw your Lack table top/Lack TV table sides on top of the TV table and glue in to place. Or use screws if you're too fancy for glue.
That's all folks! You've got your very own Lackaholic TV table that doesn't lack air circulation, space for all your junk, or style.
~ nick, Canada
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