Materials: Lustifik shoe rack, Racka curtain rod, 2 Betydlig curtain rod holders, fabric
Instead, we went to IKEA and purchased a Racka curtain rod and the Betydlig hardware to install it. While we were there, I saw the Lustifik shoe rack and the measurements were perfect to create shelves inside the cabinet space!
First, we took the hinges and old doors off completely! This was an amazing moment.
Then, we lightly sanded the wood surfaces and re-painted, which wasn't really necessary but added a lot of depth.
Next, we installed the Betydlig holders on the "ceiling" of the cabinet, so that the Racka rod would be suspended.
Using some old linen fabric we had stock-piled, we created no-sew curtains for the Racka rod. We trimmed the bottom and top with IKEA Sy pinking shears so the fabric wouldn't fray, and cut small slits along the top edge to weave the Racka rod through.
Finally, after the curtains were finished, we put together the Lustifik shoe rack and placed it inside. It fits perfectly and creates extra shelving for storage. We used the Skubb and Godmorgon boxes for organizing our bathroom, too!
All in all, this project only took about an hour. We spent a total of US$7.96, compared to over $100 we would've spent at the Home Depot for regular boring bathroom cabinet doors.
~ Lauren Willis Keo, West Hartford, CT, USA
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