Materials: Babord Shoe Racks, IKEA fabric
So we decided to take this in our own hands and purchased 3 IKEA Babord Shoe Racks, $9.99, a couple of 2x4s, some IKEA fabric and various accessories (baskets, plastic fruits, miniature cans and bottles).
1. For the store front we attached 2x4s at the front corners of the shoe rack. Then attached a 2x4 horizontally at the end of the vertical 2x4s with screws.
2. For the store back we did the same, just that we added another shoe rack on top of the first one.
3. We then stapled the Ikea fabric to the two horizontal beams.
4. Cut out a square wood piece for the sign of the market and attached with string.
5. Added accessories, like baskets and food.
6. Cost under $50!
See more of the Ikea Play Supermarket.
~ Sibylle, Canada
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