Single-TX-12 rifle STW, suspended under the bottom rail mounting M4 carbine. Used to shoot the magazine, as grip and uses a primary weapon sights instruments
For the world's largest arms fair SHOT Show in Las Vegas debut single-, smooth-bore rifle hanging TX-12 caliber 12th. In 2008, the U.S. Army weaponry went modular, repeatable smooth-bore rifle M26 MASS (Modular Accessory Shotgun System) powered by 3 - or 5-round magazines, boxed, designed by C-More Systems. TX-12 rifle opened for loading, on this occasion is pivoting on a hinge lock the whole block, located in the drain assembly
Until now in the hands of American soldiers had about 2.5 thousand of these rifles. M26 is used in combat in Afghanistan, but it does not arouse sympathy with the soldiers because of the considerable size and weight. It is also quite cumbersome way reloading M26, with folding handle tension placed on the left. Worse, in order to spread to clean the M4 carbine, from which one could hang a gun, it had to be first removed from the weapon.In contrast, entered the U.S. Army Military M26 MASS shotgun repetitive, TX-12 do not need to disassemble for cleaning the primary weapon. Design developed by Californian company Ten-X Tactical representatives interested in the USMC, not very satisfied with the M26
To meet the needs of soldiers, a small Californian company Tactical Ten-X has created a simple, single-TX-12 rifle SRT (Special Task Weapon) caliber 12th The weapon can be mounted on the lower mounting rail, or - as the M203 or M320 grenade launcher - directly on the barrel weapons. In contrast to the M26 MASS, TX-12 rifle is not a stand-alone and modular design and the manufacturer - for legal reasons - is not it intends to offer additional skeleton of the flask.
The weapon is equipped with a trigger mechanism of samonapinaniem, so if niewypału it is possible to re-attempt the shot, without straining cock. TX-12 mass is 0.6 kg lighter than the M26 and is about 0.9 kg. The shotgun comes in two varieties, with barrels lengths of 267 mm (total length - 432 mm) and 190 mm (total length - 356 mm). Gun very quickly and easily breaks down for cleaning, without having to dismantle its weapons, just as it can be easily detached from the rifle, at which it is suspended. According to the manufacturer, the design is already interested in the Marines, and TX-12 passes just in the selected unit tests USMC.
From the Polish point of view, developed a whole lot like a shotgun cartridge in WITU that could be placed in the barrel 40-mm grenade wz. Palladium in 1974 (see the barrel in the barrel, the rifle with grenade launcher , BiA 01/2006). In most applications, such as hinges and padlocks odstrzeliwanie, single-, suspended construction of check to be as good as the much larger and more complex model of repetitive.
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