Today the airport KNaAPO factory in Komsomolsk-on Amur took third prototype fighter Sukhoi T-50 (PAK FA).
Flight took place the day after the first information from the Russian spotters, the emergence of the latest T-50 at the airport in Komsomolsk.
Sat at the controls of the machine, Sergei Bogdan, that same January 29, 2010 oblatał first, and March 3 this year, the second prototype (see the PAK FA flown , flight test beginning of the second PAK FA ).Flight lasted an hour. In the course of test pilot checked the basic characteristics of volatile and engine fighter, not saying - according to the manufacturer - no problems.
According to representatives of the Russian aviation sector, air testing program is to end next year and include 3 or 4 prototypes. Then it should be built 10 aircraft from the production of low-volume, intended primarily for testing weapons and tactics. The first serial aircraft have hit the Air Force in 2015.
In today oblatanym T-50 should be installed a new radar station scanning phase. But it is not certain whether it will be a demonstrator or prototype configuration merge. Some local media, citing the industry, says that the third PAK FA will be the last prototype, others that it was only the fourth systems are installed, provided as standard first production runs.
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